Have you ever wanted to come Foraging with me?
Join me, the wild food witch of Australia, Chanterelle Foggin - Wild Food educator and professional forager for a fun and engaging look at common edibles you'll encounter in urban environments and even in your own back yard.
A long awaited Foragers Plate Workshop - "Introduction to foraging and wild food morning tea"
2.5 hours duration
$88 a head - limited spots
Location- 20 mins from Byron Bay NSW
Meet and get to know your host over a wild soda, we will chat about the do and don'ts of foraging , how to keep yourself safe and and prepared.
Join me as we walk over the property and spot and identify over 20 common edibles , including edible weeds, native plants, common introduced species, and hopefully a fungi or two who knows , we could be lucky. Bring along a hat and a drink bottle and some good walking shoes as we will be walking around foraging for about 30- 45 mins
After our foray we will gather to taste a selection of beautiful wild foods prepared by Chanterelle.
Like birds fly south for winter, we too have a genetic memory. As a child it’s likely you and I both picked and made potions from plants, ate flowers and knew the exact location of all the neighbourhood fruit trees, and when the fruit was perfectly ripe for picking each season. As we age we lose touch of that, we are conditioned into a certain distrust of wild food “is that ok to eat?” and even with fungi in Australia “don’t touch that” are things we grow up hearing, these messages fill our ears and drown out our instinctual, intrinsic, generational wisdoms and our ability to trust in the world around us as being highly nourishing and supportive of life itself. Did you know it’s said by many a wise woman that the “weeds” that grow in close proximity to you are there to fill your unique nutrient deficiency and to give back to soil composition and correct ph. When you start to notice the little things; a dandelion growing between the cracks, a mushroom peeping out from the edge of a path, a deep joy is alight within us as humans there is a sense of knowing your place in the world and the order of things around you and this beautiful perception of having a spiritual or ecodelic experience in nature.
Foraging involves and evolves in you an almost extra sensory foraging perception. Foraging after all is a game of pattern recognition. Children are magnificent at it. You begin to see food everywhere, swerving in the car for Fieldes, stopping to pick elderberries hanging over a suburban fence. ESFP is real and it’s literally what you were meant to be doing. The effect on your physiology is that of a huge dopamine hit, I cross my heart hope to die can tell you finding an edible wild fungi you've been hunting for years is better than drugs! These really wonderful concepts become present in your life, and call you present as you spend time outside and being active you begin to observe and interact with nature and noticing things in your ‘patch’ change, come to bud, flower and fruit. Noticing the abundant lives that nature sustains, with convenient, nutrient rich superfoods at your fingertips, in your backyard and hanging over fences begging to be used and eaten. These marginal areas, council gardens, verges, roadsides, along creeks and fence lines, along public pathways, in parks and playgrounds become valued in a new way. They become valued as food collection areas and areas to play and explore, finding new foraging ground becomes a game of hide and seek. The loveliest thing happens when you enter a space of infinite learning, things start at the simplest level; you didn’t know a tomato was a tomato until you were told repeatedly ‘that is a tomato, it is food’ until you recognised a tomato on your own as a food. It is the same process as beginning your wild food journey and integrating foraging into your daily life.
Foraging forever
Chanterelle X
Ticket link below;